31 August 2013

Digging time (day 114)

I am here: 47 24.893 N 101 45.933 E at 1600m as of 16/08/2013 07:23 BST http://maps.google.com/maps?q=loc:47.41489,101.76556

More road building, having collected rocks.
Lots of digging, specifically of the mud from under the truck.
Pulled out by 6 wheel drive Russian truck, which Dashka had acquired for us by walking many km to the nearest town (no mobile coverage, not that there is anyone to phone) through the pouring rain (in which we were digging, road building and then eating lunch).
The cuppa with lunch was most welcome.

Now a "proper" overland journey. :)

Was hot and sunny a couple of hours later.